Fourth Virtual Winter Lecture - February 2025
Fourth IGTM Virtual Winter Lecture: "Biblical Exegesis in the Later Middle Ages: Texts, Tendencies, Tensions" by Prof. Dr. Thomas Prügl (University of Vienna), Thursday 20 February 2025.
Register for this free Zoom-lecture by Monday, February 10, 2025, by sending an e-mail to K.Pansters@tilburguniversity.edu.
IGTM Annual Conference - Jahrestagung 2024
"The End: Finiteness, Death, and Completion in Medieval Theology"
26 June – 28 June 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands
How medieval theologians investigated, interpreted, and visualized death is the subject of this conference, organized by the Theologische Universiteit Kampen|Utrecht, Franciscan Study Center, Tilburg School of Catholic Theology and Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University.
See the program here.
Register here.
New IGTM Board
On June 29th, 2023, at the Annual Conference in Torun, the members of IGTM elected a new Board, consisting of Dr. Jan Klok, Kampen/Utrecht (publications manager), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Treusch, Giessen (secretary), Dr. Annemarie Pilarski, Regensburg (treasurer), and Dr. Dr. Krijn Pansters, Tilburg (chairman). Furthermore elected were Dr. Florian Wöller (University of Copenhagen) and Prof. Dr. Ueli Zahnd (Université de Genève) as editors-in-chief of Archa Verbi.